What is WorldWide Dance Challenge?
WorldWide Dance Challenge is a head-to-head dance competition for dancers from around the world, done in front of a live audience and shown live online. The goal is to help undiscovered dancers get their big break.
What are you most proud to have accomplished?
Getting signed as a dancer with MSA without any training or guidance, and working with celebrities like Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, and Channing Tatum. It was a huge milestone in my career and gave me the opportunity to hone my skills and really find my passion.
Do you have any advice for others looking to do what you’ve done?
Everything starts with surrendering to our design. You have to understand that who you are — your personality, strengths, talents, etc — has been given to you for a purpose. You’re going to see the world differently than others. That will help you serve the people you’re designed to serve. You aren’t here to help everyone, but we’re all here to help someone.
Your unique design will allow you to do your best. Don’t fight it. Accept who and what you are. When you surrender to that, who you serve and how you do so will fall into place.
Be sure to follow Jesse on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and LinkedIn.