Using a Mobile Phone at Night Poses 7 Dangerous Health Risks

Using a phone at night has drawbacks

1. Keeps Your Mind Engaged

Your brain doesn’t require any additional information or stimulus when it’s time to shut off the lights and go to sleep. Brain stimulation occurs when you check your phone. You’re more aware of your surroundings. Delaying sleep, even for a few while, might stimulate your mind.

2. Poor Eye Visibility

Artificially created to resemble daylight, smartphone blue light can seriously harm your eyes. Nighttime sleeplessness and irregular heart rhythm can result from prolonged exposure to this blue light. Weakness and poor energy levels during the day could result from the exhaustion.

3. Inadequate Sleep Habits

Using a phone at night might cause addiction and interfere with your sleep schedule. Smartphone blue light emissions might result in moist or painful eyes, which can interfere with sleep. Extended usage of screens after dark can postpone the onset of sleep.

4. Reduced Mental Capacity

Using a phone late at night can have an impact on cognitive abilities like attention, memory, and decision-making. This may result in sleep deprivation, which impairs the brain’s capacity for wise decision-making.

5. The Tech Neck Syndrome

Spending too much time staring down at your phone might tighten or spasm the muscles in your neck. Even nerve discomfort that radiates down your arm, to your shoulder, or to your back is possible. Take breaks at least every 20 minutes to stretch and arch your back.

6. Long-Term Health Problems

Late-night phone use is linked to a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.

7. Unhealthy Mental State

Individuals who use their phones late at night are more likely to suffer from mental health issues like anxiety. Having a persistent need to check your phone for notifications, emails, or other communications can make you more stressed, anxious, or moody.

Sanchita Patil: