Two Pilots Nodded off in Midair, Causing the Aircraft to go off Course

An initial assessment by Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety Committee states that two pilots on a Batik Air flight dozed off, leading the aircraft to veer off course.
while traveling from Kendari to Jakarta with 153 passengers and 4 crew members, the flight’s pilots—who were only identified as a 32-year-old Indonesian in charge and a 28-year-old Indonesian in second-in-command—both fell asleep at the same time and slept for around 28 minutes.
The accident occurred approximately thirty minutes after takeoff, when the aircraft reached its 36,000-foot cruising altitude, according to the study. The deputy granted the pilot in command’s request for rest. Then the first pilot dozed off and woke up about an hour later.
After that, the first pilot extended an invitation to the second-in-command to take a nap, but the latter turned it down. Nevertheless, the report claimed that the second pilot inadvertently dozed off while still operating the aircraft, which resulted in a period during which the area control center in Jakarta was unable to contact the pilot.
The initial pilot discovered the aircraft was not on route when he awoke. After corrective action was done, the aircraft successfully landed in Jakarta with no injuries or aircraft damage recorded.
The second pilot, who had moved lately and was taking care of twins, was having trouble falling asleep prior to the trip, according to the report.
Maria Kristi Endah Murni, Indonesia’s director of civil aviation, chastised Batik Air for the event and declared that the airline will be conducting an inquiry into its nighttime flying operations.
In response, Batik Air suspended the two pilots involved for a short period of time.