“Truth about Honesty” by Janu Goswami is an Integrity’s Mirror: Reflecting on Honesty

“Truth about Honesty” by Janu Goswami is an Integrity’s Mirror: Reflecting on Honesty

BlueRose Publishers proudly presents the book “Truth about Honesty” by Janu Goswami. Janu Goswami a renowned writer written this book to explore human behavior and reflection of societal fabrication. The writer speaks about the admiration and every human’s desire of    Marriages, Nature and religion.

Profound economist Janu Goswami, located in Bangalore, Karnataka, is profoundly interested in history, philosophy, and human behavior. His love of writing developed organically out of his intense passion for reading, which was greatly impacted by Dan Ariely’s writings. Goswami, who holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce from Delhi University, is well-known as an economist. His writing of “Truth About Honesty” was motivated by his fascination with philosophy and human nature.

An illustrative instance from the book of Dan Ariely titled Misbelief recounts a woman, known to Dan since childhood and regarded as family, who subscribed to the false notion that Covid-19 constituted a worldwide conspiracy aimed at endorsing nefarious vaccines and causing harm.

Truth About Honesty is a book that goes beyond conventional literature; it is an invite to introspect and a deep meditation on the core concepts that influence society norms and how we interact with one another. Goswami’s moving stories compel readers to consider what honesty really means in a society where conformity and ease of living frequently eclipse genuineness.

Janu Goswami’s support for up-and-coming writers is demonstrated by his unwavering dedication to fostering literary talent and promoting innovative works. He is committed to creating a literary ecosystem that is inclusive and diverse while he broadens the scope of current writing.

Truth About Honesty’s publication is a significant accomplishment for Janu Goswami and reaffirms BlueRose Publishers’ passion for publishing works of fiction that educate as well as entertain. Anyone looking to understand the complex relationships between integrity & truth ought to obtain this captivating addition to his library.

Truth About Honesty is a captivating and informative narration to dive into a deeper meaning of honesty.

The book talks about various subject like Marriages, Poverty, Exploration ethical dilemmas in Healthcare, Commerce, Parenting, Religion. He browsed through numerous Indian matchmaking websites that were provided by established companies that serve brides and grooms. He asserts with certainty that these platforms correctly reflect the subtleties and reality of Indian society, even without naming these institutions.

  1. Marriages are made in heaven

Showing urban and rural data and their trends for A striking 72% expressed a preference for marrying a financially stable man with assets, while 28% showed openness to marrying a man regardless of his financial status.

  • Healthcare

The purpose of the results for readers is to shed light on the realities of the healthcare sector rather than to criticise the doctors concerned.
He carried on with my survey of the private hospitals’ physicians. This time, he posed a straightforward query to them: “Do you recommend a particular brand of medication to your patients and receive a benefit, like a trip abroad, from the pharmaceutical companies in exchange?”

As you begin your journey of self-discovery with author Janu Goswami, we cordially encourage you to explore the swings and turns of life while delving into the ancient knowledge of honesty and its enduring relevance.

Publisher: BlueRose Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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