The White House requested a 26B space budget

The White House budget proposal for fiscal year 2023 calls for nearly $ 26 billion for NASA.
That is 2.7 billion, or 11.6%, higher than the 2021 enacted level.
The 2023 budget will provide 7.5 billion for US human spaceflight leadership under the agency’s Artemis program. That’s an increase of 1.1 billion.
It invests $ 2.4 billion in Earth observation satellites and meteorological research.
The budget will support the development of commercial space stations, allocating $ 224 million for future space stations, as well as the use of the International Space Station (ISS).
More than 80 480 million will be used for the lunar robotic mission and $ 822 million will be funded for the Mars Sample Return Mission.
According to the budget proposal, funding for the human exploration of Mars will be reduced by $ 161 million.
More than 4 1.4 billion will drive NASA’s space technology research and development – an increase of 8 338 million.
Finally, the budget provides $ 150 million for the participation of NASA’s STEM Office (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) “to attract diverse groups in this area”.
“This effort involves targeted participation of underprivileged populations, including low-grade students and people of color,” the administration wrote.
The White House’s request for funding for NASA earlier this month is वाढ 1.93 billion more than the खर्च 24.041 billion received by the agency in the best spending bill for the last fiscal year 2022.
Under the budget proposal, NASA no longer plans to fund other missions, such as the International Mars Ice Mapper Mission.
“The budget is a statement of values, and the budget I am releasing today sends a clear message that we value financial responsibility, security and the investments needed to sustain our home and global growth and our just growth and to build a better America,” said President Biden. Said in a statement.
“This is a budget that includes a historic commitment to reduce the deficit, a historic investment in our security at home and abroad, and an unprecedented commitment to building an economy where everyone has a chance to succeed,” he said.
“This is supportive of our mission and a sign of a new era of discovery and discovery,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in his live-streamed State of the NASA speech Monday afternoon.