Taydee Marie shares her experience as a rising artist in the western music industry:

Whenever no sources are available, what is the next best thing that you switch to? Whether it is a subject that you want to learn or a talent that you want to Polish, you look forward to the Internet obviously and rely on it a great deal. Similarly, LA-based singer and songwriter Taydee Marie also learned to play the piano and expand her vocal range by watching several voice tutorials on YouTube.
Obviously, there are several things she likes as well as dislikes about working in the music field, but a few things have always stood out to be exceptions. One of the favorite things that Taydee Marie regards is writing songs, and performing since these are her areas of expertise and she also enjoys the role as a performer and songwriter. Because she is an introvert, it was difficult for her to explore some areas and the world has not been that open to her, yet she managed her social media efficiently, despite it being her least favorite thing. But if one cannot undertake difficult jobs in their life, they cannot learn a thing or two about it, this is why she regards that having unpleasant situations is also important because they help you teach a lot about life.
Whenever a difficult situation has been thrown at Taydee Marie, she overcame it with efficiency. Before reacting in any certain manner, the very first step for Taydee Marie is to analyze the situation that has been presented before her to have a complete understanding of what are the consequences and what steps can be taken. She has always come up with a song to overcome anything, and it is a very creative wait for an artist to express their emotions and express their sensitivity, authenticity. After all, music has been one of those things that pulled her out of the most negative situations and allowed her to grow and learn as she advanced in the music industry. Being a complicated field that it is, it can take a toll on anyone, but Taydee Marie is obviously gifted and experienced. she can overcome anything and has proved herself time and time again.
The multi-platinum producer Andrew Lane happened to sign up Taydee Marie as an artist, and since he has worked along with various stop companies like Disney, Universal Music, Sony Warner, it was a very big opportunity for her. This gave her a big breakthrough in the music industry and brought forward several opportunities in not just songwriting but also the other specializations of the artistry world like movies. As of now, she has worked with Tom Cruise in the movie ‘Maverick’ and became Sag/AFTRA qualified.
There is a lot more to know about Taydee Marie, so follow her on her website: https://www.taydeemarie.com/