How Kenges Rakishev and Aselle Tasmagambetova fight COVID with the aid of Saby charity fund

Despite Kazakhstan being close to China COVID-19 has reached the country from Europe. It gave…

6 Alexa features- You should turn off on your ‘Amazon Echo’ now

Disable these six features and your Amazon Echo smart speakers and displays will work better…

iPhone 12 should “steal iPad Air’s” new Touch ID: it’s perfect for COVID-19 times

The button makes it simpler to open a gadget without eliminating a mask or typing…

Prevent ‘hair loss’ with these superfoods in your eating routine

Prevent hair loss and other health related issues through a healthy eating regimen. Counting superfoods…

Microsoft announced new design of ‘Surface Hub 2S’ that comes with Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise

Microsoft reported today that it will offer another setup of Surface Hub 2S that accompanies…

Apple releases iOS 13.7 with ‘Exposure Notifications’ Express framework

Apple is currently turning out what could be the last significant version of iOS 13…

Restaurant Marketing and Public Relation Strategies in the Post COVID-19 World in 2020

We are still trying to figure out how to deal with life after social distancing,…

The Harbor Cruise picture in the crowd grabs social media attention

Marty Walz is anything but an expert picture taker, yet she got a shot on…

Dharamik – How Covid-19 has an impact on Day Trading

It is a common notion that people who have a nine-to-five job with a fixed…

The NBA is offering players a Oura ‘smart’ ring to follow Covid-19. In any case, does it even work?

The NBA, which wants to restart the season July 30, says it is offering players…