Shah, the young and talented rapper who is climbing the stairs of success with every passing day:

One of the rising stars of today, Shah is from Borgerhout, the smallest district of Antwerp, Belgium. Shah was born on 11th February in the year 2000. He describes himself as “A young boy with a lot of fire in him”. Mr. Shah’s first love is music. His soul finds a connection with music. Whenever he is free, he practices so that he can perform better. He says that rapping is entirely based on the kind of content, Flow, and Delivery, and the rest is on practice. The more one practices, the better he gets at the game. One should prepare himself in a way that they are confident enough that no one can beat them.
Since Shah is very dedicated and passionate about his work, He always wants to learn more about music. Knowledge about the thing we love and that we are working on in our daily life is really important. Shah says, ” Always trying to be the best in what I do, be humble! “. This line proves that he always tries to put his all into whatever he does, tries to come out of his comfort zone and do something out of the box which is innovative and beautiful. After all, we should always be kind to ourselves and others too.
Being a very dedicated person, his vibe, energy, way of thinking, and style are unmatchable. Whenever he faces a problematic or difficult situation, he stays calm, thinks about the pros and cons, analyses the matter then finds out solutions. Nothing is simple, no matter what kind of work one does, there will be people who demotivate you – it depends on you, to keep on working or listening to the negative words. Shah always tries to find positivity even in a negative situation. Shah is very grateful for the support of his family and his friends; they encourage him to keep moving.
Like strengths, he also let us know about his weakness, he said, “I am too perfectionist, everything I do has to be perfect or it can’t go through”. His two favourite Legends are Tupac and Eminem. He loves their songs, energy, and dedication towards their work. They motivate Shah when he feels low sometimes.
One of the biggest achievements that he recently had is that in less than 10 months, he got more than 1 million views on the Dutch music platforms. He is busy learning about Hip-Hop music and there is no doubt that he will reach the top shortly due to his striving nature.