Sergey Tokarev, a Reface investor and initiator of STEM is FEM, announced two key events under SHE is SCIENCE. SHE is SCIENCE is an art initiative that focuses on spreading information about Ukrainian female scientists. The purpose of the initiative is to address gender inequality in the field of science. STEM is FEM is an initiative of Reface investor to enhance the participation of Ukrainian schoolgirls in STEM subjects. It has various friends and permanent partners including UN Women and UNICEF.
SHE is SCIENCE: Pre-Premiere Exhibition
STEM is FEM will organize a key event, SHE is SCIENCE: Pre-Premiere Exhibition, on March 5 in the UNIT-Verse conference room in Kyiv. The event will include various activities including an exhibition, panel discussions, and lectures. The exhibition will include the presentation of the portraits of 12 prominent Ukrainian female scientists including physicist AntoninaPrykhotko and biologist SvitlanaArbuzova. The portraits of these heroines are created by illustrators led by SergiyMaidukov. The curators have invited the heroines to attend the event and communicate with the young Ukrainian eventgoers, according to Sergey Tokarev.
The purpose of the event is to address the knowledge gap between the recognition of male and female scientists in Ukraine. The leading Ukrainian male scientists including Borys Paton, Vladimir Vernadsky, Sergei Korolev, Igor Sikorsky, and various others are well-known in the country. However, female scientists do not have much recognition. This event will narrow this gap and improve the recognition of distinguished female scientists. “The problem of society’s lack of awareness about the contribution of women to the development of science is not exclusively Ukrainian, it is global,” notes Sergey Tokarev. The young girls will get motivation from this event. It will improve the awareness of society about the contribution of Ukrainian women to science.
Essay Writing Competition for Ukrainian Girls
The curators of the initiative are committed to spreading information about the contribution of leading Ukrainian female scientists in society as much as possible. As a part of their commitment, STEM is FEM is organizing an essay writing competition in which Ukrainian girls between the age of 14 and 21 can participate. The participants will have to choose one or more of the twelve portrait heroines and write an essay on their achievements in the field of science. Sergey Tokarev says, “I believe that participation in this competition will really help girls find themselves in science.” The information and registration for entering the competition are available on the official website of STEM is FEM. It is a great opportunity for Ukrainian schoolgirls to get aligned with the inventions and studies of prominent Ukrainian female scientists. Prykhotko, Arbuzova, and many others are huge inspirations for every Ukrainian girl.