Sam Raymy on Multiverse Traversing in his first MCU film

Sam Ramie’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is on the way, and with each trailer we get more excited about what is happening in the much-anticipated reunion with the director of Marvel Studios. To celebrate Ticket Release Day, Rami chatted with Fandango about what to expect in his first multiverse trip at MCU.
On what Dr. Strange has to do with the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Rami refrained from telling us if we would see some cameos, but talked about the effects on the film. “The idea that Spider-Man [No Way Home] characters from the universe could visit our universe was revealed. But this is the first time that characters from our universe have gone into the universe and experienced other worlds, “said Rayami. “So, it’s going to continue, but I think that’s the biggest appeal. Finding other realities, and how they fit in with your own, or how they are completely opposite, or the difference between them. ” That’s Patrick Stewart in the picture. That’s all Marvel can tell me. “
The director also talked about his love for the Marvel universe and who he thinks is more powerful than Doctor Strange and Scarlett Witch. “It’s a question I’ve been asking kids from the third grade on the playground,” he said. “I think Wanda’s magic in Marvel Lore is more powerful than any of the other characters in the picture, but Doctor Strange has a knowledge of the mysteries that Wanda doesn’t have, and he has the help of a waist-crown. . If you pit them against each other, different versions of their own … there may be a Doctor Strange who is more powerful than our Wanda. Or there may be a wanda that is more powerful than our wanda here. So, because of these changed versions “
“Who broke the multiverse?” As playing the multiverse variant in asking that really a clear guilty party is chosen. A difficult proposition. The director suggested possibilities as to who we can expect to see as the main opponent of his film. “Well, our characters are repetitive throughout Multiverse. So, if I mean weird … I don’t want to answer that question, but I’m probably saying changed weird. The same is true of Wanda and Mordo. But I would say, at different times, all of the above. Well, Mr. Raimi, keep your secret.
On the subject of his Spider-Man universe – and what it felt like to see Toby Maguire back in a suit and reunite with his old cast – Rami didn’t deny anything. “After making Doctor Strange, I realized that anything is possible in the Marvel universe, any team-up. I love Toby. I love Kirsten Dunst. I think everything is possible, “said Rayami. “I don’t really have a story or a plan. I don’t know if Marvel will be interested in it right now. I don’t know what they think about it. I didn’t really pursue it. But it feels good. “And what’s the value of it? It doesn’t seem to matter if his current experience with Marvel Studios continues, regardless of the context:” It’s like the best toy box in the world to be able to play in Marvel. I’d love to come back and tell you something else. . ”