Nissan plans to launch its first solid-state battery EV by 2028

Solid-state batteries promise to shake up the world of electric cars by lowering prices and improving performance, and Nissan wants to be one of the earliest adopters. The automaker now plans to release its first EV with a fully solid-state battery by the company’s fiscal year 2028. To that end, it recently unveiled a prototype production facility for this battery at a Japanese research center and will open a pilot production line at Yokohama. Fiscal year 2024.
EVs are expected to become more affordable as they move away from traditional batteries and use less expensive materials. Nissan aims to reduce the cost of solid-state batteries to $ 75 per kilowatt-hour in 2028 and thereafter to $ 65. At that price, EVs will cost as much as gas-based cars, Nissan said.
Technology has other advantages. Solid-state batteries charge faster and provide approximately twice the energy density of existing lithium-ion batteries, potentially providing higher range, lower weight, and lower recharging times. In return, EVs can make it practical for owners
Nissan is not the only brand racing to offer solid-state batteries. Toyota, for example, expects to use the technology in hybrid vehicles by 2025. However, this is one of the clearest and most ambitious strategies for technology. It also suggests that Nissan’s still-smaller EV range will expand significantly over the next few years as electrification becomes more practical for its more lineup.