Nicolas & Emiliano—The Twins Who Added Swag to the TikTok Fad

Today, technology has taken over the world and continues to progress in all of its avenues. Specifically in the most recent years, social media has climbed its way to the top with the most influence of those across the world. Social media has allowed for people to make connections from different countries or cities and has allowed for this new generation of creativity to be curated. It has opened up this whole new realm of influencing where talent is able to create content that expresses their thoughts, passions, and creativity. It is from the freedom and accessibility to social media that has allowed Nicolas and Emiliano to begin their careers in the social media world, that has allowed them to spread positivity, creativity, and their passions.
It was back in 2015 when the start to fame unexpectedly began for the twins as they downloaded the then Musically app, now known as TikTok. It was headed by Nicolas posting on his own, however, having Emiliano join in every once in a while, they soon realized that they would be a better hit on the app as a duo. By sticking through the transition of Musically to TikTok, it was a pivotal moment in the twins’ career. Through their videos they were not concerned with how big of a following they had, they rather decided to continue to move forward with maintaining their true authentic selves. They believed that continuing to show their passions and love for dance and sticking true to themselves helped them stand out from most other influencers.
Their love for dance and ability to entertain goes back to their family, having a father who was dancing on TV in Argentina, to having a mother who began traveling the world at just 18 with a love for fashion and photography, it was in their blood to be creators. They pay much tribute to their older sister and thank her for their 2000’s influence as she had a major influence on their dancing career, as she too grew up singing and dancing. Between growing up in Queens, New York, to have a family full of entertainers, Nicolas and Emiliano take dancing and entertaining as second nature. They hope that the New York energy and swag can help others with finding themselves and discovering what their own version of swag looks like.
As the twins are crushing their jobs of being influencers, they hope that in the future they can continue to build up their own brand and extend their following by creating and curating partnerships with brands that they feel best to fit their image and passions.