New York Lifestyle Creator Justin Borbe Influencing Luxury Fashion With Brands Worldwide

Justin Borbe also known as “igjustin” on Instagram. We often see many people getting famous on the internet. Some just get 15 min of fame and others for years. Because of the internet, it has been easy for an individual to get whatever they want, including fame. Becoming a known person or celebrity has been one of the easiest ways to make a living because of social media. But by creating entertainment content regularly they have been able to future their celebrity status. Thousands of people have also been able to make a living with the use of social media or the internet. Because of the access to the internet, an individual can manage to share information or news worldwide. This has given away for many people who want to become a celebrity using social media.
Justin shares a few things he learned to gain authentic presence on Instagram:
The first thing you need to know about is your audience. Whether you have 10 followers or 100, to maximize the growth, you need to focus on the audience. Focus on creating inspiration or on the entertainment niche. People love to be happy or to get inspired, that is why these niches have fast-growing followers. Focus on providing value and entertaining your audience. Be unique and engage with your followers like a friend in front of You. Provide them the high level content that they expect and come back from you.
Connect with your audience on a human level. Many people when they gain a little bit of fame, they ignore or forget how they grew their audience. This causes their brand value to go down. As an influencer and content creator people look up to you as an inspiration. That is why you need to be with them in whatever way possible and not forget how you inspired them in the first place. If they posted a comment, do your best to respond to them whenever you can. If they message, let them know that you appreciate it. This will help them feel they are connected to you and you listen to them. This is to make them excited and look forward to the next post.
Social media has evolved and is now a staple of our current generation. If you want to be a true presence on Instagram you need to do something different than others. One of the easiest ways to give your impression to an audience is to become unique. When people see something different, they don’t forget easily. That is why creating content that is different and of higher quality than others is the best way to grow as a beginner. Content is king as they say.
Justin, excited about projects in the works coming this 2022, he is focused on sharing more lifestyle and fashion content, Justin looking to push his content to another level.
“The bulk of social influencer marketing today occurs in social media, fashion with lifestyle creators, bloggers, and Influencers. Industry experts and thought leaders such as journalists are the main driving force for brand awareness of today and for years to come and hold an important position for brands. Then there are celebrities. These were the original influencers. Celebrities offer their star power to captivate a wide audience but a good lifestyle creator/ influencer can possibly connect with their audience on a deeper level. And that is what a true influencer should strive for. Not by chasing fame but providing value and that connection.” says Justin.
Justin, based in New York, entered the world of luxury fashion blogging over 5 years ago. Justin has truly influenced the world of fashion over the years. With years of experience designing for some of the world’s most prominent brands, Justin is taking the future of luxury fashion blogging into his own hands, emerging as a full force content creator and has many exciting projects coming in 2022. Influencer marketing grew out of celebrity endorsement. Businesses have found for many years that their sales usually rise when a celebrity promotes or endorses their product. There are still many cases of businesses, particularly high-end brands, using celebrities as influencers.
The problem for most brands is that there are only so many traditional celebrities willing to participate in this kind of influencer campaign, and they are unlikely to come cheaply. The exception will be if a firm makes a product that a celebrity already likes and uses. In that situation, the celebrity may well be prepared to use his influence to say how good he believes the product to be.