Nathalee de Armas: Miss Universal Woman Cuba 2024/25 – Preparing for the International Stage

My Journey: Nathalee de Armas

My story began in Santiago de Cuba, where I was born on August 28, 1989. At 17, I emigrated to the United States in search of better opportunities. My early years were tough; I lived in a shared room and worked for $7 an hour in department stores and restaurants. Despite the challenges, I never stopped trying for a better future.

After having my second child and as a single mother, I began studying in the medical field. However, I soon discovered a passion for beauty, which led me to shift my focus. Four years ago, I managed to open my own spa, and since then, I’ve dedicated my life to helping other women find their confidence and self-esteem through beauty and self-care.

My dream has always been to inspire women like me, who in their lifetime have felt like they are were not enough or that their life had ended due to changes in their bodies.

My goal is to show that with determination and effort, all dreams can be achieved.

I want to be the voice for those women who have made mistakes, showing them that children are not a barrier, but rather a driving force to keep fighting harder each day.

Recently, I won the title of Miss Universal Woman Cuba, and now my aspiration is to win the international competition.

I want to prove that having tattoos, piercings, or unconventional features does not prevent us from achieving our dreams. Discrimination is a thing of the past, and my story is proof of that.

Today, as a mother of four children, I continue to fight for a better future for them.

My message is clear: the path is paved with effort and perseverance, and it is never too late to start again and achieve what you set your mind to.

Follow my journey on Instagram:@nathaleedearmas

Derek Robins: