The first month of the Hijri, or Islamic, calendar, is Muharram. Muharram is a time for introspection and repentance. It is regarded as the second holiest month after Ramadan and one of the four sacred months of the year during which violence is prohibited.
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar which is also known as Hijri. Muharram holds immense importance in Islam and is one of the four sacred months observed by the Muslim community. This year Muharram began on the evening of July 29 and will end on August 28.
Muharram: History
Muharram is one holiest months of the Islamic calendar, next only to Ramadan. In this month, Shia Muslims mourn the death of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, on the battlefield. The battle of Karbala was fought between Imam Hussain and Umayyad Caliph Yazid I. During the battle, Imam Hussain was killed. His martyrdom is observed with mourning marches on the tenth day of the month known as Ashura.
Significance of Ashura
Ashura marks the tenth day of the month of Muharram when processions are carried out to mourn the death of Imam Hussain in the battle of Karbala. The Shia community wear black and chant “Ya Ali” and “Ya Hussain”. People refrain from celebrations during this period. The Sunni community observes the Day of Ashura by fasting and offering prayers.
How Is Muharram Observed
Muslims refrain from donning new and vibrant outfits, especially on the Day of Ashura, and getting married or engaged. People visit mosques to offer prayers. During Muharram, one recites religious hymns called Nohas. Charitable acts are done in the month of Muharram. Donations to the poor and food distribution events are organised.