Jignasha thakor belongs to Gandhinagar .she is 28 year old but her achievement increasing day by day in Gujarat believing to help needy .established a identity in the digitally in whole state also she is a national player in volleyball and cricket.

Now a days she is becoming most popular in Gujarat for helping child education ,women empowerment in Gujarat.She believes that helping some one to make some ones life better they have adopted many children’s in Gujarat and she is taking care of those kids they arrange foods ,clothes ,school uniforms as well as school fees she has started her own NGO to helps needy she try to make women empowering she teaches some courses to women which helps to self dependent also gives self defence.she also arrange blood camps ,charity events ,self defence courses to help needy .
She recently got ASIA award for child education and women empowerment in very young age and our prime minister shree NARENDRABHAI MODI sir gives his good wishes and blessings to her she messaged to all youngsters that educational is very important part of every ones life try to helps needy persons to make their lives better and it also helps to shine to be a part of make in new india