Meet 25-Year-Old Hasnain Nawaz: A Self-Made Entrepreneur’s Concrete Path To Wealth And Happiness!

When you’re Hasnain Nawaz, your path to success isn’t usually one that involves a college degree or even a high school diploma.
He was fired from his job as a manager. But instead of sulking in his office chair for the next five years, Hasnain decided to take advantage of his new-found free time and polish his skills by launching himself into entrepreneurship.
And now? He’s an example for the youth—not just because he’s made it big, but also because he’s using his incredible skill set to help others succeed in their dreams.
Hasnain’s motivational story tells us that when we’re young, we all start as one thing: kids who are trying to figure out how their lives will turn out. But if we keep learning and growing and getting better at what we do, then eventually we become professionals in our field who can make a difference in the world.
Early Life & Education
Hasnain Nawaz’s journey to becoming a computer programmer started much like many others – with a degree in engineering.
Nawaz was so excited about his future as an engineer that he even signed up for an internship straight out of high school. But it wasn’t long before he realized that engineering wasn’t the right career path for him.
After graduation and no sign of improvement, Nawaz decided to switch gears and enroll in computer science classes instead.
Nawaz’s decision paid off: He graduated with diplomas in IT subjects. His first job was as a computer operator for Pepsi Pakistan, but he soon won a more lucrative position at an eCommerce company where he worked as an eCommerce executive for eBay doing things like marketing, sales, and project management. The job was a good fit for Nawaz; he enjoyed the work and excelled at it.
Got Laid Off – “Life does not come with a manual, it teaches us”!
In a world of workplaces filled with leg pullers, it’s hard to save yourself from being double-crossed. That’s what happened to Hasnain Nawaz. He was doing well at work, but this story shows that even hardworking people can be thrown out of their jobs for doing their best.
He earned a lot of praise and respect from his colleagues at the company for his work ethic, but one day he was shocked when he was fired after delivering superb results to the company.
Hasnain was heartbroken. He had worked so hard for this company, and it seemed as though they were throwing him away like yesterday’s trash. This incident proved as an eye-opener for him: he realized that he had to start thinking like a boss, not a worker bee. He started looking for ways to increase his value and position himself as an asset that could not be discarded so easily.
After much research and analysis, Hasnain decided that he needed to work for himself and be his boss. It was not an easy decision to make, but Hasnain knew that this was the only way he could be truly happy.
He launched himself into freelancing, making sure that it was successful from the start. Over time, Hasnain grew into an empire that rivaled even the biggest businesses and agencies in the country.
Launching Himself into Entrepreneurship – “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”
Hasnain Nawaz is a man who has been through a lot. He lost his job, had to survive without money, and also had to deal with the pressure of not being able to pay for his bills. He says that he didn’t lose hope after his layoff and instead focused on what he could do to start earning money.
Hasnain launched himself into entrepreneurship by starting a digital marketing company from home. He didn’t have any clients initially but worked hard to build up his clientele.
After several months of hard work and dedication, he landed a high-paying client who was willing to pay him handsomely for his services. This was the start of many more clients who later started hiring him for their projects as well.
Telling what motivated him to work hard and jump into entrepreneurship, Hasnain says:
“When I was laid off from my job, I was heartbroken. It felt like a personal betrayal—that I had finally reached a pinnacle in my career and then been summarily dismissed.
I also remember one of my friends at a local food point (AA Biryani) saying to me, “the only way you’re going to get through this is by jumping into entrepreneurship”.
So that’s exactly what I did: I combined the devastation of losing my job with healthy discussions about entrepreneurship and launched myself into entrepreneurship.”
Nowadays, Hasnain Nawaz has earned enough money to support his family comfortably and live life on his terms!
Hussy Wins – “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible”
Hasnain has become a successful self-made entrepreneur. He is currently working in a wide range of IT businesses, including his own company Online Wave, where he provides eCommerce-based services to clients worldwide.
He started with eBay selling his products and now he is an eBay seller with a large number of satisfied customers. He also earns via Amazon affiliate marketing where he promotes products from Amazon and earns a commission for every sale he makes. Hasnain is also into paid surveys where he earns up to $1000 per month as a side income. He has created his niche and is well-known in the field of SEO, affiliate marketing, eCommerce, and blogging.
Hasnain has many luxuries, such as a luxury car and home—things that make him feel good about himself and the society around him.
And that’s not all—he also teaches skills to the youth so they can make their dreams come true!
For example, one of Hasnain’s booming ventures HNPDFTools helps young ungraduated and unemployed lads earn money by taking international orders of file format conversion and using the site to convert file formats for free, and charging for this service from clients.
Life Lesson Mantras by Hasnain Nawaz
1. Don’t ever stop dreaming, because dreams are a way to get closer to your goals and they will help you reach them.
2. The only reason why you are not where you want to be is because of your thoughts, so think positively and be optimistic.
3. It doesn’t matter how hard it is or how long it takes, just keep going and believe in yourself.
The story of self-made entrepreneur Hasnain Nawaz is an inspiring reminder that we can all use our setbacks as motivation.
As a young man, Hasnain Nawaz was laid off from his job at the age of 23. He didn’t know what to do next and felt like his life was over. But instead of feeling sorry for himself, he turned this moment into motivation.
He decided that if he couldn’t get a job right away, he would become an entrepreneur instead! And not just any entrepreneur—he would become one who creates jobs and changes lives.
And he did just that: he started his own business called. He created new jobs for people who had been unemployed for years, and their lives were changed forever because of it.
You can follow Hasnain on FB, Instagram, Twitter @rimrhussy, and Snapchat @imrhussy.