Kyle Mufti’s Advice on Maximizing Productivity and Crushing Goals

Untraditional, driven, and one hell of a force. Kyle Mufti gets more done in a day than I likely do in a month. As a serial entrepreneur with roots in construction, manufacturing, finance, and digital assets, we wanted to know the secrets to executing. We took an afternoon to see what makes leaders like Kyle so productive in a day.
“Starting the day off right is critical. I’ve always naturally woke up between 3:30 to 4:00 AM. I take my supplements and multivitamins, have a coffee, and by 4:30 AM I’m on my way to the gym. I give myself time for a 1-hour workout and 30 minutes in the sauna to digest the tasks at hand for that day. By 6:30 AM I’m at the office with a tea to check emails before diving into wherever the companies need me most.”
Discipline, clear vision and problem solving are the three most important focuses that any CEO need to live by according to Kyle.  Without those three, you’re missing a part of the equation that makes a company successful. That is a common theme we’ve heard by many, but the question remains – how the hell can you focus on so many projects at once?
“I think ADHD definitely helps if you learn to utilize it the right way. As a kid, my elementary and high school teachers would throw me out of class constantly, my mind was always somewhere else more exciting. As I found projects that resonated with me, it was clear that learning to hold and structure a conversation, focus, and be present were immensely important. It took the better part of two decades to consciously work on and fix that. Once I had, it was as if that combined with clear vision and discipline could take me anywhere with a little hard work.
Everyone has the same 24 hours. And comparatively, I’m 1/10th as productive as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and many other leaders I look up to. But have you noticed the theme with high producers? They appear less busy while doing more. That’s because of the illusion between time and progress, the two do not equate to growth alone. The secret is in having a great team behind you that is in line with the company’s vision and mission. That way, you can dedicate all your focus into just a few high impact goals.”
The point raised is more than valid, it’s enlightening. I know people who have been busy every day for as long as I can remember without producing impactful results. So, the key is to focus and build a great team. But that’s easier than it sounds, isn’t it?
“The first 4 years of starting my construction business, I was the lowest paid. By finding people who could bring more value and higher skillsets to the company, I knew in the long run it would build a stronger team for me to delegate to. When you focus on value and service, you create a foundation that can be built upon (pun intended in our case). A company is nothing more than a great group of people, and if you focus on that first they will care about the company as you do.”
So, the framework established for productivity was emphasis on the 3 important characteristics, hard work, focus, and a great team. Kyle quite literally started with nothing. No savings or investment capital but his own two hands and managed to build a multi-industry holding company with year-over-year growth.
“The ultimate flex for me is freedom. Building a great team is the core of that. Freedom to build, expand, and grow multi-dimensionally is where my vision has always been. A fast-paced lifestyle with expensive taste and luxury gets boring quick. But crushing goals and kicking in doors, that’s something I’ll never get tired of.”

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