KRebels, The Most Forward Thinking NFT Project As At Now

Koalas aren’t yet extinct but they soon will be if something isn’t done fast to stop their fast deteriorating numbers. There’s a growing concern in Australia that soon Koalas will move from the vulnerable list to endangered species. Due to bush fires, rapid deforestation, and severe drought, these furry, little creatures have seen their species plummet drastically. In fact, statistics indicate that by 2050, these tree gliders will soon join the dodo list in extinction if conservation efforts aren’t fast applied.

As a result, various groups and communities have come together to bring them back from the brink of extinction. One of the groups that have cleverly tapped into this growing concern is the KRebels Project. KRebels is a hi-tech and powerful technology formulated by a team member that smartly blends the use of technology and species vulnerability awareness and conservation. The development team has applied themselves and come up with stunning art and 3D design koala digital images or NFTs which allow parties to both possess and help save Koalas at the same time. How cool is that? Talk about killing two birds with a stone.

Which raises the question, what is NFT and why should you be bothered? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have come across cool images of animals, anthropomorphic creatures on social media, or a friend’s profile. An NFT or non-fungible token simply means a digital asset in form of art, music, video games that one can possess online. But here’s the cool thing about NFTs, they can’t be copied and are unique to the original ower. Meaning, much as practically anyone can download and use them but the artist retains copyright and reproduction rights. This uniqueness is saved using blockchain technology.

So, why are they so viral? Well, for starters, they can be traded online through cryptocurrency. Since November of 2017, an astonishing cool $174 million has been spent on NFTs. What’s more amazing is that they can be minted from digital objects such as art, GIFs, videos, video games, avatars, music, and even designer sneakers. How cool is that?

Well, what is mind-blowing is that KRebel has managed to combine all the cool technical effects of NFTs by creating cool Koala assets and availing them to everyone on the globe. Already 9,999 NFTs have been minted in their first collection. Efforts are being made to bring the koalas to a virtual preserve in the metaverse. Also, tokens will be created on the platform to allow holders to play and earn with their personally-owner NFTs. After minting, their NFTs will be made available on OpenSea where they can view and interact seamlessly.

The KRebels project was inspired by a team member who witnessed the horrors that happened to the koala bears during the Australian bush fires. They then came up with the ingenious idea of creating the koala NFTs to champion awareness of the conservation of the endangered species. These fluffy creatures have an original multi-faceted design and owners have the privilege of getting their very own 3D version.

What’s more, is that they’re the first of their kind since no one has ever thought of them. With that in mind, the rarer a product is on the metaverse, the more valuable it becomes. Therefore, competition is low to non-existent in the real sense. As a result, the owner and holder are more likely to earn a monthly and a lifetime income. Now, that’s three birds killed with a single stone.

Now, the KRebels is built on Ethereum-ERC721 technology and is thus readily available. It targets people across various divides regardless of age, location, gender, income level, education level, and even marital status. Basically, anyone can own and operate these digital assets. No particular technical know-how is necessary to work with the KRebel koala NFTs. These NFTs are accessible globally at any given time.

What really makes the concept tick is that a certain percentage obtained from the trading activities will be donated to organizations and groups that help prevent the extinction of the koalas. In fact, the very concept behind the project is to help prevent the imminent extermination of the rare koala species from our natural habitat.

If you would love to be part and parcel of this great cause, please feel free to join the Discord Server at https://discord.g/KRebels to learn more.

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