Know more about Akinyemi Akinro, founder of Oddmindsworldwide

It takes more than good looks to be a model; you must also be confident, enthusiastic, and brave. The allure of the modeling profession attracts many people, yet it is a challenging field where one must work hard to succeed. Akinyemi Akinro, also known as ‘LoverBoyAkin’ has paved his way successfully in the industry, but the journey has been a rollercoaster ride for him.

With a determined heart, he set out in pursuit of his dream.

According to Loverboyakin, the best thing about following your passion is that you can never get bored or easily discouraged by other people’s opinions. Just like any other industry, the competition in the fashion industry is stiff, making it hard to penetrate. At the start of your career, very few people will believe you while others will try to discourage you.

Through perseverance, hard work, and determination, Loverboyakin started his own clothing brand ‘Oddmindsworldwide’, where their products are being sold rapidly across the country.

Loverboyakin started posting on Instagram, and within no time, his Instagram account crossed thousands of followers. Overwhelmed by the tremendous response, he continued to expand on his brand collaborations and interact with his audience.

What most people don’t tell you about following your passion is how daunting it is, says Loverboyakin. Along the way, he says he has encountered many challenges, but that has never stopped him from following his passion. He has always been bold and diverse with his ideas. When faced with a challenge, he finds a way to turn that into a stepping stone. He says it doesn’t matter how many times you fail, but the courage to press on after failure is what counts the most.

His advice to young people and upcoming models is to never give up on their dreams and practice patience. For those who are using social media platforms, he insists on not focusing on hateful comments. He says some people will always want to bring you down. The best way to deal with social media bullies is to not pay attention to them.

Looking back at how far he has come, Loverboyakin is not only proud of his immense success but also his courage and boldness in following his dream.

Follow LoverboyAkin on Instagram as @loverboyakin and twitter @loverboyakin

Derek Robins: