Inside the World of On the Precipice: An Interview with Author Brianna MacMahon

What if one election could change everything? This is the main idea in “On the Precipice,” the first book by Brianna MacMahon. The story dives into a world where politics and power shape everything, and the choices of a few can affect the lives of many. She didn’t always see herself as a writer. She started out studying history and political science, thinking she would be a teacher or a researcher. But when the COVID-19 pandemic happened, it changed her plans and brought her back to her first love—writing. Now, she splits her time between editing work and writing stories, hoping to one day focus only on her writing.

In “On the Precipice,” we see a world at a turning point, right before a big election. MacMahon uses her knowledge of history and politics to create a story that’s not just about a fictional place, but also about how personal goals and society’s demands are linked. Through her characters, she shows how ambition and pressure from society can mix, making us think about how much power we really have over our own lives. Her own story of switching from history to writing shows that it’s okay to follow your heart and do what you love. As she continues to write, she inspires others to take chances and pursue their true passions.

In “On the Precipice,” we enter a world on the edge of a crucial election that could change everything. The society is divided into different levels, with a group called the Keepers at the top. These Keepers hold all the power in government. Among them, seven Lord Regents, who are like top leaders, make decisions together. They are helped by Prophates, who are like religious advisors. There are two main political groups in this society: the Expansionist Party and the Affiliate Party. The Expansionist Party wants to use force to solve problems, while the Affiliate Party believes in making alliances and working together with others.

Raelynn Mabry, who just finished her education in the Keeper system, suddenly finds herself in the middle of all this political tension. She works under Levin Liston, who leads the Affiliate Party and holds a high-ranking position called the Lord Regent of Diplomacy. Raelynn’s job puts her right in the center of major political moves, and as she learns about the complex politics of her world, so does the reader. Her experiences help us understand the delicate balance of power and the sharp divides in her society.

Brianna MacMahon focuses a lot on making her characters feel like real people. Raelynn, for example, keeps her sense of humor and stays true to herself despite the high pressure of her job. She shows a lot of strength and resilience, qualities that MacMahon admires and brings out in her characters. The book also dives into the relationships between characters, especially between Liston and his advisor, Avitus. They don’t always agree, and their different views on how to handle power and politics show the larger conflicts happening in their world. These interactions and disagreements add depth to the story and help us see the many sides of each issue.

Brianna MacMahon draws a lot of inspiration from her favorite authors and her studies. Authors like Kate Morton, who is known for her vivid descriptions, and Liane Moriarty, known for her engaging dialogue, have influenced MacMahon’s writing style. Brianna’s background in American politics also plays a big role in shaping the political world of her novel, combining real-life political knowledge with the fictional story.

When writing “On the Precipice,” she focused a lot on her characters. Instead of following a traditional story structure, she let the personalities and relationships of her characters lead the way to the climactic election at the end of the book. This approach makes the story revolve more around the characters and what they do.

“On the Precipice” deals with big ideas like power, ambition, personal identity, and human nature. Brianna explores these themes by showing how the characters interact with each other and their political environment. This makes the story not only interesting but also makes you think deeper about these issues. MacMahon balances the serious themes of her novel with lighter moments and deep interactions between characters. This balance makes the book more than just a political drama; it’s also a story about people and how they handle the challenges they face in their society.

She is excited about continuing the story of “On the Precipice” in more books. She wants to explore more about the daily lives of her characters and the society they live in, which will help readers get even more involved in the world she’s created.

“On the Precipice” is Brianna MacMahon’s first book, and it’s a thoughtful look at how choices and destiny interact in a complex society. The book is perfect for anyone interested in how power works, how history influences the present, and how people find their place in the world.

Derek Robins: