Influencerquipo Presents an International Influencer Of The Year, Payal Mandewalkar with her fashion blog – Payal’sFashionPalette ( Instagram – payalpavi15 )

Payal Mandewalkar is a renowned fashion blogger, a model and an Egineer by profession who currently lives in Houston, Texas. To show how people can be beautiful, trendy, stylish in every sense according to the latest trends of the moment is her goal!
Payal aspires to be a source of inspiration for everyone who likes fashion and those who want to embrace this world. She actively blogs at “Payals Fashion Pallette” mostly through Instagram and facebook where she gained thousands of followers in very short time and done paid partnerships with more than hundred products to support and promote small businesses all over USA. She is also an official brand Ambassador for many renowned brands including Express.
How did you decide to become a fashion blogger? Was it a thoughtful choice?
Payal: I always loved wearing stylish outfits since my childhood. It is starnge but I inherited that from my Dad. I was posting my outfits on my social media for the past few years and was getting requests to start blogging from my family n friends. Eventually I gave it a serious thought and started pursuing my passion for fashion with my blog at PFP.
How was the response initially? Share some moments?
Payal: I started blogging as a hobby. However, PFP received so much love that people requested for more indian and western outfit ideas and advice on diffrent beauty n skin care products. I was overwhelmed and started taking more interest in posting frequently and giving my honest reviews to inspire women to dress up according to our body type n feel our best.
Who or what has been your greatest fashion inspiration?
Payal: I draw inspiration from anything and everything around me. It could be bollywood/hollywood movies, fashion designers/magazines or different stylists. I do not follow trends blindly. I take into consideration my body type and comfort before adopting a trend.
There are a lot of people following you on your fashion blog. How do you manage to engage with your followers?
Payal : Its just the begining, a long way to go. Numbers are just a part of journey. Like-minded people always find a way to connect with you. Engagement with other bloggers and followers is an essential part of blogging.
What motivates you to blog on instagram?
Payal: follower’s Love and Support is my main motivation. I just want to request readers to shower loads of love and that’s all is enough to appreciate the sweat and efforts which go into fashion blogging.
Advise for all our fashionable readers?
Payal : We live in a country where people have a very strong sense of pride in the way they dress. Comfort factor is an integral part of fashion, so pay due heed to it. Furthermore, know fashion trend by engaging in Indian and Western cultures to get the best of both worlds.