Cassidy Brown is an Instagram model and influencer. She has built a thriving online business, with success on OnlyFans and as an affiliate for CBD and fashion icon Dan Bilzerian. In January 2020, she was featured in Playboy Australia. She is also a licensed esthetician.
Born in California, Cassidy Brown has built a thriving social media presence. Her work as an Instagram model has led to great success on OnlyFans and as an affiliate for CBD and fashion icon Dan Bilzerian. She was recently a featured model in Playboy Australia.
Cassidy Brown is an Instagram model, affiliate for CBD and fashion icon Dan Bilzerian, and runs a successful OnlyFans page. In January 2020, she was featured in Playboy Australia. Born in California, the 24-year-old is also a licensed esthetician.
How have you grown over the past 5 years?
If you look at the first posts on my Instagram, you’ll see a totally different Cassidy. That’s why I keep those photos up, even though they weren’t taken by the photographers I work with today and even though I didn’t know how to do makeup nearly as well back then. They’re a great reminder of where I was and how far I’ve come!
What are some sacrifices you’ve made to get to where you are?
I spend hours every single day researching, practicing, and performing when I could be out partying with friends instead… and I love to party! So that’s a huge sacrifice. But it’s worth it to me to see my business grow.
What’s the biggest professional risk you’ve taken?
Appearing in Playboy Australia and starting my OnlyFans were both super exciting but definitely intimidating! They were huge steps in my career and felt very make-or-break.
Follow Cassidy on Instagram and check out her OnlyFans page.