If you haven’t failed you haven’t really been there~PHOTOWALE

Failure is something that we have seen throughout our journey and it isn’t stopped yet! Every time we fall and we try to come up with something more.
This upside down journey of PHOTOWALE started back in 2016 when Yuvraj carrying huge responsibilities on his head started this trek without proper equipment and team too.

As he alwayss wanted to give something big to his state of BIHAR he started his journey with a hope of becoming an artist but somehow the time and situation didn’t wanted him to be that and made him what he was actually good in and that is photography..
The very first of his work was so sudden for him that at that time even he also didn’t knew that what to do and what not but you all must have heard that “it’s never too late to start and with the hope of getting something good he started this journey. Since photowale didn’t started with a bunch of professionals so it was very difficult for yuvraj to hire someone trustworthy because it was all sudden plan of covering his one of friend sister marriage that even he didn’t wanted any kind of mistake from his side, but the journey was very new and without a proper coordinated team and single equipment it was very much difficult too but somehow with all the hope and courage he managed everything!
And for videography he found one of his known videographer and for photography he hired someone else along with him everything was going good before halfway when he was ditched out from that one individual (Photographer that he hired). He wasn’t carrying any kind of equipment such as no camera no lights and no stands and for some point he thought of taking his legs back because it was not possible in such short time to manage everything but without failing he manage everything in short period and within half an hour he somehow managed to get a camera and started snapping pictures and you won’t believe he snapped every single picture in automode.

After packing up he wasn’t expecting a good review as he done everything in such a short period but when photos were out the results were all shocking for him cause he’s pictures was pretty much liked by everyone and only thing that said about his “photos was that the emotions were captured beautifully”and journey of PHOTOWALE all started from there.

Eventually in starting PhOTOWALE didn’t started with a huge banner they were not really paid for their every work..Sometimes all the team members used to work under different banner and used to learn many things from them..Gradually with Photographers and videographers renowned editiors also joined the team and that’s when a proper company of PHOTOWALE started from there.

On a conversation with US TIMES NOW, he said;

‘As time passed so many renowned and skilled professionals added with the team and it is all because of them that we’re touching the highs now. Right from Celebrities portfolio shoots of Sanjay Mishra Pankaj Jha and a sezzling Neetu Chandra we have captured the wedding memories of our prouds of Bihar Deepali Sahay and Aishwarya Nigam. As the first and foremost Wedding studio of Patna we have also shooted internationally and it was the pre-wedding of very known artist Amit Dhawal. We not only work on wedding themes but we do work on social issues as well like molestation,Girl child and issued of transgender..We work free of cost for all those economically backward families to give them memories too. So we always try to spread awareness through our work.’

Derek Robins: