Freeing the society from malware and cybercrimes is an international technical expert named Waheed Al Marzooqi

This UAE resident has over the years with his contributions to the information security industry has protected people in his country.

No matter how much ever we speak of how easy and accessible it has become today to reach anything and everything with just the tips of our fingers, we still are at the receiving end of many crimes and electronic data breaches because of the high consumption and use of the online world. There is no doubt that industries have seen an exponential rise due to the growth of the online world, but one also cannot deny the fact that this accessibility and ease of using the internet has resulted in many cybercrimes as well. This is when experts like Waheed Al Marzooqi come into the picture.

The world has turned towards knowing more about information security after the growing online threats, extortions and crimes. Information security, also known as infosec, is the practice where experts and specialists like Marzooqi protect people, establishments and the country from any unauthorized use of information, breach of online data, etc.

Marzooqi has been at the forefront as a cybersecurity expert who saves people from the many threats in the online world and also protects them from unauthorized access to data centers. Coming from UAE, and born in 1989, Marzooqishowed a great inclination towards the technological world since the beginning and at a very early age had even decided to create his own niche in the vast industry. He began his career by serving the United Arab Emirates’ major section of society.

With his passion and his unwavering efforts to learn new things, enhance his skills and grow as professional into the field, Marzooqi turned into a successful security expert who left no stone unturned to protect the people of his country from any kind of malware, viruses, outside hackers, electronic theft and extortions, etc.

Slowly and steadily, looking at the pace with which this talented man grew as a cybersecurity expert and specialist in the information security and smart devices field, he acquired great recognition not just in his homeland, but also across many other Gulf countries and overall in the Arab world.

Marzooqi’s leadership qualities and his increasing expertise gave him the opportunity to help many esteemed personalities of the Arab world, including artists, entrepreneurs, big names of the corporate world and other famous Arabs as well and with his excellence in the field exceeded a thousand cases in his career so far.

Today, Marzooqi serves as the CEO of his company called Technical Support Company that protects and secures several electronic calculations and websites. This initiation of his firm has been possible because of the undying efforts of the cybersecurity expert and his determination to carry out the necessary experiments and research over the years that made him a renowned name where people trust him as an expert and professional.

So far this technical expert has also been forward in writing many newspaper articles and has been featured on various television interviews as well on satellite channels. From 2015 to 2017, he even came forward to advise communities on social networking sites, the right use of it, the many threats, etc. He is a humanitarian as well who has provided free technical services to people in need. To keep up with the pace of the industry and changing times, Marzooqi also believes in adapting to the changing trends of the internet and technology.

He has also been a recipient of many international certificates in his career which has proved not just UAE, but other parts of the Arab world as well that it takes immense passion, hard work and the drive to surrender to one’s country and protect the people from the negativities of the online world.

Jason Laing: Jason Laing is an author who is now a multi-level marketing executive. He has lots of ideas about ongoing issues and concerns. He also wrote news about that and published it on