For He Will Never Leave You or Forsake You – God’s Unconditional Love

Often, you feel like the tides are only getting rougher in this ship that you have made with your own labor. The waves crash, the water upsets the vessel, and the winds don’t help either. In times like these, when you’re all alone, without a lighthouse guiding you to the shore, you feel a sense of abandonment. Sadness overwhelms you, and all that’s left is the feeling of hollowness followed by a question.

“Why did you forsake me?”

In the loneliness, you can’t utter these words to anyone except looking up at the heavens, waiting for the answer.

But oh, you who doubts, is that so?

Let’s discuss the resonances of God’s unconditional love.


The biggest and most prominent evidence of God’s unconditional love is Jesus’ crucifixion.

How do we, whenever we see our child hurt by nothing more than a mere splinter, feel the pain in the deepest depths of our hearts? Yet God let His only Son be nailed to the cross.

Jesus was ridiculed by the same people whom he taught the Truths of life. The people He would heal and break bread with.

Not even Peter was innocent. He betrayed Jesus three times, despite professing his loyalty.

But even through the suffering, Jesus pled to the Father to forgive these souls, for they did not know what they were doing.

Look Around You

Jesus gave up His life for ours so that you can live today in peace. Often people get disheartened and forget that the biggest evidence of God’s undying love toward them is, well, all around them.

Each time you bask in the beauty of an amber sunset, embrace the feeling of rain on your skin, or make a snowman with your children; it is proof that these moments of happiness are a gift from God.

He loves you beyond compare.

He will not forsake you.

“It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

 – Deuteronomy 31:6-8

So the next time you find yourself losing faith, take heart and know that no matter the circumstance or the adversity, God will be with you until the ends of the Earth. Yes, every so often, you will find yourself questioning whether you deserve this mercy from God; you must learn to forgive yourself because He will always forgive you.

And if you find yourself faltering in your faith, get your hands on Jean Marie’s thrilling book, The Little Things Volume 2, a life-changing story filled with the message of God’s unconditional love. It is an ode to hope and that it is never too late to return to Him.

The Little Things Volume 2 is now available on Amazon.

Derek Robins: