Eyecbetter, a start-up in digital healthcare, launched a StartEngine Regulation C crowdfunding campaign

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Eyecbetter, a state of the art glaucoma computerized wellbeing organization established by Dr. Joel Solano, is eager to report the send off of its Guideline C Crowdfunding Effort on StartEngine. With a mission to reform the manner in which patients deal with their deep rooted glaucoma treatment venture, eyecbetter expects to raise assets to additionally create and showcase its imaginative computerized wellbeing arrangements, which incorporate a wearable, no-contact, no-airpuff home tonometer and a patient application that gives constant wellbeing prods (with human consideration organizer training) and consistent network to glaucoma medical services suppliers between facility arrangements.

Glaucoma, the main source of irreversible visual impairment around the world, effects more than 100 million individuals universally. Driven by an energy to have an effect, Dr. Joel Solano established eyecbetter with the vision to work on the results and personal satisfaction for glaucoma patients.

Eyecbetter has fostered a set-up of computerized wellbeing arrangements that engage patients to proactively screen and deal with their glaucoma from the solace of their homes. Eyecbetter’s Versatile Application use man-made consciousness and AI calculations to convey precise and customized glaucoma observing and way of life suggestions.

Eyecbetter’s close to term objectives incorporate speeding up our innovative work endeavors, smoothing out administrative endorsements, and growing our advertising reach. This mission presents a novel chance for financial backers energetic about changing glaucoma care and improving patient results to help the historic work of Dr. Joel Solano and his group.

I am thrilled to launch our Regulation C Crowdfunding Campaign on StartEngine and invite everyone to join us on this transformative journey to revolutionize glaucoma care,” said Dr. Solano. “Eyecbetter’s innovative digital health solutions empower patients to actively engage in the management of their eye disease, leading to better outcomes and an improved quality of life. With the support of our investors, we can create a significant impact on the lives of millions living with glaucoma.”

StartEngine is a main value crowdfunding stage that interfaces historic new companies with financial backers looking for imaginative open doors. With StartEngine and its group, eyecbetter is raising assets while additionally giving an open door to people to turn out to be essential for the glaucoma computerized wellbeing upset.

Financial backers can dive deeper into the Guideline C Crowdfunding Effort and backing eyecbetter by visiting the organization’s mission page on StartEngine click here. The mission will offer financial backers the chance to partake in store for glaucoma care while energizing an answer prepared to change how individuals with eye sicknesses get care. Put resources into something beyond an organization; put resources into a development that will change glaucoma care as far as we might be concerned.

About Eye C Better: Eyecbetter is a computerized wellbeing new business established by famous glaucoma expert Dr. Joel Solano. The organization creates state of the art computerized wellbeing arrangements, utilizing simulated intelligence and AI innovation, to engage glaucoma patients to screen and deal with their condition from the solace of their homes effectively. Through its inventive arrangements, eyecbetter accepts it will work on quiet results and change the glaucoma care scene.
