Entrepreneur Jake Tayler Jacobs invited to be part of the Forbes Business Council

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely and difficult journey. It’s exciting when you’re recognized for your work and get to meet new people who are in the same position as you. This recognition has helped entrepreneur Jake Tayler Jacobs branch out and try new things, as well as gaining more confidence in his work.
Jacobs was recently invited to be part of the Forbes Business Council. This organization is for successful small and midsize business owners, and the council is invitation only. The Forbes Business Council helps people build relationships in their field, elevate their professional profile in the business community at large, and grow their endeavors. “I was honored to receive the invitation,” Jake said. “I’ve always wanted to be a part of this organization, and I can’t wait to see what it can do to benefit my entrepreneurial work.” He’s being recognized for his work in the global management consulting sector. His business helps clients grow their revenue, automate their systems, and market themselves to customers. Since he started the company in 2016, they have helped over 4,000 small startup businesses get on their feet. He has 23 team members and is growing his business every day, and they do over $2 million per year in business.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how Jacobs’ business operates. He offers online courses to help clients learn how to grow their businesses themselves. “This DIY approach allows us to help companies that otherwise couldn’t afford to hire us. It’s one of my favorite parts of our business.” Since the pandemic started, these classes have become the biggest part of their business. “People have more time to learn on their own now. They don’t need us to do all the work for them.” They now work with companies in 10 different countries and help them become more successful in their fields. In five years, he wants to be making headlines in the tech space, leveling up the company and always looking for the next avenue for growth.
The Forbes Business Council is a prestigious group. Jake Tayler Jacobs is excited to start taking advantage of his membership and meeting more people to network with, taking his business to the next level.