Effects Of An Instant Sugar Spike: An Expert Explains The Symptoms Of Early Hyperglycemia

Effects Of An Instant Sugar Spike: An Expert Explains The Symptoms Of Early Hyperglycemia

When you consume a sugary food or drink, your blood sugar levels rise quickly, causing an immediate sugar spike, sometimes referred to as hyperglycemia. Your body may experience a variety of short- and long-term repercussions from this. Early signs of hyperglycemia can include headaches, blurred vision, thirst, and frequent urination.

Effects in the Short Term

Energy surge: An energy surge is the most noticeable consequence of a sugar rise right away. This is due to the fact that sugar enters your bloodstream fast and is immediately transformed into glucose, which powers your cells.

Sugar rush: But this energy spike is frequently followed by a sugar slump. Your blood sugar levels may decrease quickly, which can cause you to become tired, agitated, and have trouble focusing.

Heightened appetite: Additionally, sugar might cause the production of hormones that increase hunger, causing you to feel more peckish even after eating.

Long-Term Repercussions

Gaining weight: Recurrent sugar surges might cause weight growth over time. This is because too much sugar may be converted by your body to fat.
Type 2 diabetes: Your body may eventually lose its ability to reduce blood sugar levels if it is constantly trying to do so. Type 2 diabetes may result from this.
Heart disease: Excessive blood sugar raises the risk of heart disease by causing blood vessel damage.

Additional health issues: Sugar increases have also been connected to a higher chance of developing additional health issues, such stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and some cancers.

Effects on Brain Function: An excessive amount of added sugar alters brain function. Degenerative diseases and cognitive impairment have been associated with added sugar. Studies have indicated that diets heavy in sugar and saturated fat cause a variety of cognitive and memory problems in people of all ages. This could be because sugar and fat cause inflammation in the central nervous system. This area of the brain regulates our reaction to hunger cues and several forms of memory.

Might Age Skin Faster: May Cause Skin to Age More Rapidly: Eating a lot of added sugar can prevent collagen from healing. One protein that keeps skin looking plump is collagen. Reduced collagen causes skin to become thinner and age more quickly.23 Because of the way the body breaks down sugar, a regular diet of sugary snacks can also lead to diminished suppleness, poor wound healing, and premature wrinkles.

Treating yourself to fruit to satisfy your sweet appetite is one way to keep your skin healthy. Antioxidants, which are also present in fruits, shield the body against inflammation, a condition that can cause ageing and certain illnesses.

Elevates Stress Levels: In the near term, sweets can reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Added sugar may eventually lead to issues. The impact is transient, and you may have a slight increase in stress levels upon your return, which could encourage you to consume more sweets. Sugar consumption and self-medication for conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression have been linked by research. For some people, this can result in self-medication with extra sugar.

Sanchita Patil

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