Rahim Sediqi Super fan of Afghanista Cricket Team On October 2, 2011, I traveled to Dubai to support my national team, the Afghan National Cricket Team. On this date, there were Series Afghanistan and UAE competitions In these games from October 5 to 8, the game was a test On October 10, the game is 50 overs On October 12, a 50-over match was played between the national teams of Afghanistan and the UAE I participated in all these competitions to encourage and support my country’s national cricket team At that time, the national cricket team was newly established in our country, so very few of our people were interested in this sport. Because of this, very few people like me were willing to travel to another country for a hefty fee to support and encourage the cricket team, just to support the cricket team. I loved my country national team and the players of this team from the bottom of my heart and I still love them and I encouraged them from the bottom of my heart because of these players of my country c