CEO Of 3SA Estate, Jimmy Widen Spills Beans About The Importance Of Personal Branding

As interesting as it gets, the ones who don’t chase profits and target customers’ welfare are the ones who are most successful. Jimmy Widen, a real estate professional in Marbella and the CEO of 3SA Estate is winning the market with his customer-oriented approach.
Based in Stockholm, Sweden, 36-year-old Jimmy Widen has a strong connection with Marbella ever since his childhood. He recalls his first visit here on holiday when he was four years old. “I told my dad that I wanted to live in Marbella when I got old. So I decided early.”
Before moving to Marbella, Jimmy was working in real estate on the side in Sweden, and after some profitable business, he bought his first apartment here as a holiday home. After spending more time here, he saw the massive potential for the future of permanent living in Marbella, thanks to digitalization. So, he decided he needs to move here and start companies.
Apart from real estate, Jimmy Widen also has a background in TV. He has built over 100 startups in TV commercials and tv programs. Sharing more information about why he moved to Marbella, Jimmy earlier mentioned in an interview that he wanted to give his kids what he doesn´t have yet, the possibility to learn 3 languages from scratch and to work with the world as a platform. “Growing up in Spain will be a lot more exciting than in Sweden.” he says.
Jimmy Widen also believes in having a strong personal brand. Talking about the same, he said in an interview that he sells trust for millions and it´s very important that a client knows who they are buying from and why. “Working a lot on personal branding will get the clients more comfortable with you as a person. Social media will be the new SEO so I recommend all my brokers to use that more and more as well. We are all human beings and if you show the real you on social media I think potential clients feel more comfortable than if you try to show a facade.” he explains.