
According to a new study, people with blood type O may have a lower risk of COVID-19

Two new studies propose a connection between individuals with type O blood and a diminished…

Drink coffee after breakfast for better control of metabolism

A strong, black coffee to wake you up after a terrible night's sleep could impair…

Diabetic Diet: To Manage Blood Sugar Levels- Diabetes Friendly Breakfast Ideas

Diabetes Snacks: While there is no prestigious treatment to switch diabetes, you can anyway deal…

How Kenges Rakishev and Aselle Tasmagambetova fight COVID with the aid of Saby charity fund

Despite Kazakhstan being close to China COVID-19 has reached the country from Europe. It gave…

Here’s what happens to your body when you don’t exercise routinely

Regular exercise isn't just useful for weight reduction, however it additionally gives you ideal health.…

5 Reasons to Include ‘Chickpeas’ in Your Diet

Learn all about the superfoods that will help you live a longer and more advantageous…

Studies show, the immune system affects the mind and body

New research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis lights up an amazing…

The new coronavirus can infect brain cells, according to studies

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can in some cases hijack brain cells, utilizing the cells'…

High blood pressure: How to manage it

New research is detailing that "uncontrolled high blood pressure" is a developing issue among adults…

Probiotics can help manage childhood obesity, studies have found

In excess of 340 million kids and young people, universally, were overweight or fat in…