Ape’s Hidden Mistress & “Walt Disney” NFT $3 Million Each for a Minted NFT (The Mint Date In December)

The AHM (Ape’s Hidden Mistress) NFT Project with Walt Disneyto incorporate movies and animation arts as digital assets minted as tokens while rewarding “loyalists” “Original NFT Minters” with loads of takeaways.  $3 Million is averages offer right now from countless of Wall Street investors for a single minted NFT.

If you simply Google Search “Walt Disney Adult Content”, you will find that Walt Disney is starting to focus more on not children films, but more on “18+ Films” starting 2021.

This AHM (Ape’s Hidden Mistress) is one of those 18+ NFT Project that “Walt Disney” confirmed to be working together. The market for “adult content” is a billion dollar industry and Walt Disney seems to be entering with AHM NFTs.

Keep reading to learn why “each NFT is being offered for $3 million by the top stock investors”.

AHM is a Solana NFT project that just began with the “Mint Date in December 2021”. The Ape, Tarzan’s Hidden Mistress is a first film project they are working on and all minters will be getting a free airdrop of 3D graphic design NFT for the films a few weeks after the mint date in December.

Ape’s Hidden Mistress (AHM) started with an incredible special event called “Daily Random Discord Giveaway”. It is an event where, at specific time every day (the time changes daily), AHM gives out many free NFTs to those who are “Online at That Time”.

Top Wall Street Investors have all joined as soon as they published their Discord server. However, AHM had to change some policy as all these top stock investors were trying to take advantage of the free NFT random giveaway.

Due to we were giving out free NFTs to even “Offline members”, they were quick and smart enough to make an Discord account and simply came online once a while to check if they won. Very soon after, they changed their daily random giveaway policy to “Online Members Only.

Why is Walt Disney’s AHM called a “Jackpot NFT” or “Set for life NFT”?

There are 5,555 NFTs to be minted. The expected sell out time is less than 1 second. (They are planning to do a fair system for the mint due to this)

It is important to know that “Only the First 5,555 Minters”, meaning the “Original people who actually minted the NFT themselves in December launch date”, will keep getting many free airdrops and even earnings from the film project.

The Wall Street investors are offering $3 Million USD for 1 minted NFT currently. Anyone can just sell their free mint for $3 Million USD immediately, or they can wait a year, to find out that its worth over $15 Million USD to $50 Million USD potentially.

One NFT minting would allow that person to consistently earn minimum $15,000 monthly while the value of NFT continues to rise. Walt Disney seems to respect the big fans that mint on their actual mint date more, compare to those who buy it from secondary market.

However, even if the first minter sells their NFTs, they are the ones who will consistently get the free airdrops including 3D Graphic Design NFT for the film “The Ape, Tarzan’s Hidden Mistress” coming in early 2022.

It will soon be connected to Netflix or Amazon Prime, the value of every single NFT will keep getting higher. Anyone can become “the first minter” by joining their Discord on their mint date in December 2021

With expected sell out time of 1 second, it will be very difficult. Therefore, they are planning to do a fair mint system, giving everyone a chance.

Check their website by visiting: AHM.global.

It is highly recommended to follow their Twitter and also be “online on their Discord”. Welcome to the world of NFT where anyone can become a multi-millionaire in just a single day. Don’t lose this opportunity; December is going to be a crazy month because of AHM’s mint date.

Since it is very early, they have many events that can win you a free NFT. One of the easiest is just inviting all friends and simply being online on Discord. They randomly pick whoever is “online” and give them a free NFT ticket. Anyone can become a multi-millionaire overnight and change their life in NFT world. Twitter link here & Discord link here!

The Officialwebsite: AHM.global.

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