The tomb of Jesus is considered to be situated in multiple locations as per different beliefs and archaeological shreds of evidence. Basically, the tomb of Jesus is referred to as any place where Jesus was interred. However, Christians believe that Jesus was buried and resurrected in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Since the 4th Century, this site has been recognized as where Jesus of Nazareth died, was buried, and rose from the dead. Besides the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, there are alternative locations where some beliefs and evidence claim that the burial tomb of Jesus is situated, and these locations include The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, Talpiot Tomb located south of Jerusalem, Roza Bal in Kashmir, and Kirisuto no haka in Japan. However, recent archeological discoveries and remains claim that there is another possible resting place of Jesus Christ in Nazareth. The newly discovered burial tomb of Jesus is considered to be known as Jesus Tomb in Nazareth, which was uncovered under the Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth.
Archeologists found several remains of Jewish dwellings and burial caves from the first century under The Sisters of Nazareth Convent. These remains, such as pottery shards, containers, stone walls, entrances, and various artifacts, claim that Jesus of Nazareth, Mary, Joseph, and his five sons had lived on this site. The Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth is about 100 feet west of the Church of Annunciation in the heart of old Nazareth. This site has connections to interesting discoveries and secrets, which turn out that the burial tomb of Jesus is possibly situated under the Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth.
This site was established by a group of nuns from France known as the Sisters of Nazareth, who took over this place in the 19th century when they arrived in Nazareth. As they started constructing a convent on this site, they uncovered various remains of the 1st and 2nd centuries CE underground. The Sisters of Nazareth were the first to discover an ancient cistern under the convent. Later, the archeologists found other secrets, including ruins of the church built on a cave from the Byzantine period, uncovered walls from the Crusader period, and ancient toms from the early Roman period. They also discovered the living structure of the early Roman period, which claimed that Jewish people of the 1st Century AD had lived there.
All these discoveries confirmed the house of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and his sons, but no one could understand the significance of these remains until a Jew, Moshe Ben Joseph, arrived at the Convent of Sisters of Nazareth in April 1991 and discovered the possible resting place of Jesus Christ in Nazareth. This site was initially established in 1881 by the Sisters of Nazareth, who wanted to start a school for the blind and deaf. Later, the nuns decided to dig into the site to discover secrets under the site. According to Moshe Ben Joseph, the remains they discovered in the first century also include the burial tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. The newly discovered burial site consisted of a tomb designed for seven people with two chambers in it. The first chamber was designed for six people, and the second was for a single individual. However, there were two more graves dug into the mountain stone about 30 feet away. Ben Joseph understood the significance of these findings and explained this to the mother superior, Kathy. He explained that this site under the Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth had the burial place of the Holy family, which also included Jesus of Nazareth. However, different beliefs claim the actual burial tomb of Jesus of Nazareth in different places. According to Moshe Ben Joseph, another possible resting place of Jesus Christ should be in Nazareth, where Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and his sons lived. Ben Joseph went to Nazareth to discuss the significance of the remains and discoveries after he received the information from an unknown source. He was from Boston, Massachusetts, but traveled to Nazareth on the basis of information he received that told him the exact location of the burial of Jesus’s tomb in Nazareth.