AC Side Effects: 7 Hazardous Things That Occur When You Sleep With An AC On

Top 7 health issues that might arise from spending the night sleeping with an AC on.

1. Dry eyes

Can sleeping with the air conditioner on cause major issues with the eyes, such as dry eyes and irritation? Your eyes may get red and uncomfortable due to irritation from the dry air produced by air conditioning.

2. Dehydration

Additionally, sleeping with the air conditioner on might cause blood vessels to harden, which can restrict normal blood flow to the brain and possibly cause migraines. Furthermore, your body has to work harder to maintain its core temperature when you sleep with the air conditioning on, which might cause you to wake up feeling exhausted and low on energy.

3. Itchy or Dry Skin

It is true that sleeping with air conditioning on can cause dry or itchy skin. Lower humidity can cause your skin to lose its natural oils, which can cause pain. This is why this occurs. An individual who already has skin conditions might be more aware of this situation. You can protect your skin and help the air stay moisturised by installing a humidifier in your bedroom.

4. Headaches

Some people have headaches when they are exposed to the chilly air from an air conditioner on a regular basis. Your head and neck may get tense due to blood circulation disruption brought on by the temperature change and continuous airflow. One way to lessen the chance of these headaches is to turn down the AC to a more comfortable setting and make sure the space is properly ventilated.

5. Issues with Breathing

Having air conditioning while sleeping can exacerbate respiratory problems if you have allergies or asthma. Your airways may become irritated by the dry air and swirling dust, resulting in symptoms like wheezing or coughing. Using air purifiers and maintaining a clean AC filter can help reduce indoor air pollutants for people who have asthma.

6. Allergies And Asthma

People who have asthma or allergies are more likely to encounter adverse consequences from sleeping in air conditioning at night. Lower humidity levels and the presence of allergens in the air mean that only a little trigger is needed to cause allergic reactions or asthma attacks. Reducing your bedroom’s exposure to allergens requires keeping it dust-free, clean, and well-ventilated.

7. Infectious Diseases And Indoor Pollutants

Having the air conditioning on all night long can provide an ideal environment for viruses and pollutants to grow indoors. The damp climate that air conditioning machines produce is ideal for the growth of mold, germs, and viruses, endangering the health of everyone within.

Sanchita Patil: