Top 5 Fermented Foods To Eat To Avoid Gut Health Issues: kimchi, Kefir And More

Top 5 Fermented Foods To Eat To Avoid Gut Health Issues: kimchi, Kefir And More

Best Fermented Foods

1. Natto

One of the many health advantages of natural tomato sauce, or natto, is that it can lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension; it can also promote bone growth; balance the bacterial balance in the intestines; prevent diarrhea, enteritis, and constipation; boost immunity; and reduce obesity.

2. Kefir

Similar to yoghurt in viscosity, kefir is a fermented milk beverage. Kefir improves intestinal health, decreases cholesterol, and controls blood sugar. Significant amounts of protein, calcium, and vitamin B are also present. Good-for-you fermented food kefir improves digestion and lowers inflammation.

3. Tempeh

Soybeans that have undergone controlled fermentation in conjunction with natural culture are used to make tempeh. It is a source of plant-based protein that can take the place of meat. Tempeh is high in protein, loaded in vitamin B, and provides all nine necessary amino acids that the body requires to keep bones and muscles strong.

4. Kimchi

Fermented veggies are the main component of kimchi, one of the most well-known Korean dishes. A number of delectable ingredients are fermented with cabbage to make napa cabbage. Rich in nutrients and abundant in probiotics, kimchi supports immune system development, gastrointestinal health, and decreased inflammation in the body.

5. Miso

Fermented soybeans are combined with salt, rice, koji, barley, or seaweed to make the thick paste known as miso. Furthermore, it is a gut-friendly food because to its high concentration of vital elements like calcium, zinc, manganese, and vitamins.

Sanchita Patil

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