7 Warning Indicators Of Cardiac Risk That You Shouldn’t Ignore If You Have An Irregular Heartbeat

7 Warning Indicators Of Cardiac Risk That You Shouldn’t Ignore If You Have An Irregular Heartbeat

Unexpected heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats, or fluttering sensations in the chest can all be uncomfortable. Not only may these arrhythmia symptoms be painful, but they may also be indicative of a serious medical condition. Since these symptoms may point to an increased risk of major cardiac problems, it is imperative to recognize them as soon as possible.

A person’s chance of getting heart-related diseases, heart attacks, or strokes is referred to as their cardiac risk. Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and lifestyle decisions like smoking and inactivity all increase the risk of heart disease. One important marker of underlying cardiac issues is an erratic heartbeat.

7 indicators of an irregular heartbeat that you shouldn’t overlook

1. Palpitations: 

One of the most typical symptoms of an irregular heartbeat is feeling as though your heart is rushing, hammering, or fluttering. While sporadic palpitations may not be harmful, frequent or severe bouts may point to a heart issue that needs to be checked out.

2. Fatigue: 

An irregular heartbeat may be the cause of unexplained exhaustion, particularly if it happens suddenly or persists for a long time. An inefficient cardiac pump might prevent your body from getting the oxygen-rich blood it needs, which can leave you feeling exhausted all the time.

3. Dizziness: 

Feeling faint or lightheaded may indicate that your heart is not beating correctly. Poor blood flow to the brain and other organs may be the cause of this, which may result in fainting episodes or falls.

4. Sweating:

 Sweating excessively or unexpectedly might be a sign of an irregular heartbeat, especially if it isn’t caused by physical activity or high temperatures. Your body may react in this way to the stress of an irregular heartbeat.

5. Anxiety:

Although anxiety can occur on its own, it can also indicate an irregular heartbeat. Panic and uneasiness can be brought on by the sensation of an irregular heartbeat, which exacerbates the symptoms of both disorders.

6. Breathing difficulties:

It may indicate an irregular heartbeat if you experience dyspnea, especially when lying down or doing usual tasks. This is an indication of inadequate blood flow from your heart, which causes fluid to accumulate in your lungs.

7. Chest pain:

An irregular heartbeat might be seriously indicated by chest pain or discomfort. Your heart may be experiencing strain or low oxygen levels if you experience what feels like pressure, tightness, or squeezing in your chest.

Sanchita Patil

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