The FG Camp Show: Interview w King Tito & Dirty Dell

Today’s comedy scene has grown so rapidly and is constantly expanding, so much talent tends to go unnoticed. With that said, we have the pleasure of sitting down with rising YouTube creators/collective “The FG Camp Show”, who’ve consistently been releasing content and surpassed over 1.6K subscribers & 300K views! We’d really like to discuss some topics fans have unanswered and give some perspective on a few things.

1.) Q: Where Did You Both Get Your Name From?
A: “King Tito got his name from the streets enough said *wink wink…”Dirty Dell” got his name for my rap label he was fucking with; the name just stuck from there honestly.”
2.) Q: What’s King Tito’s favorite thing about filming?
A: “my favorite thing is the pressure once the cameras come on, it’s just something I know that I’m very talented at.”
3.) Q: First Time Either Of You Bombed During A Comedy Set?
A: “Dirty Dell bombed on his very first booking, talk about pressure…It was either make it or break it. Overall, it was a very good learning experience.”
4.) Q: What’s the weirdest moment you’ve ever had with a fan?
A: Dirty Dell: I went to a random gas station one time and the gas station clerk was having a bad day…you just can tell from the line. When they get to the counter, she looks up and goes “OMG! Dirty Dell, do you know King Tito? you’re from the education show!”
then she looked around…leaned in and said “don’t worry I got you”, then gave me a free full tank of gas”.
King Tito: “I went to a gas station when I was paying for gas and a female was recording me…kind of freaked me out. When I went outside, two cars parked in front of mine jumped out. I immediately thought it was a problem..but two thugs hopped out and said “Oh my god bro! we’re your biggest fan, me and my girl. We’re just watching you before we got here, I can’t believe I ran into you at the gas station!” he was really starstruck and I’ve never felt like that.”
5.) Q: Papers or Blunts?
A: King Tito: “leafs, of course.”
Dirty Dell: “come on..leafs.”
6.) Q: We know you’ve both seen some crazy things in your life…what’s the wildest strip club story you can share for the audience?
A: Dirty Dell: “I saw ‘Bridget the midget’ climb all the way up a pole, to the very top…lose her footing…and fall straight down!”
King Tito: “I went to a low budget strip club with my cousin Gortho and the entertainment was extremely poor…so he started throwing ice and quarters.