7 Tips for Making Restaurant-quality Mille Crepe Cakes at Home

Want to make a classic cake at home for a party or event but having qualms about using the oven? No worries. A beautifully Mille crepe cake is the answer to your woes and is the perfect way to end the evening.
A French classic, this cake is translated as the thousand crepe cake and is deceptively simple. Looking at the cake, your guests will be impressed by the elegant look of the cake and will assume that you have put a lot of effort and time into the making of the cake.
Layers upon layers of soft and smooth crepes with rich silky cream filling in between; when made with perfection, the Mille Crepe cake tends to just melt in your mouth.
Making the Mille Crepe Cake at Home
While the recipe itself is not very complex, the process of making so many crepes and stacking them up and holding them together with cream may turn out to be a long and tedious process. However, you may agree that all the effort is worth it since the end result is so satiating.
If you have decided to undertake the task of attempting this cake at home, we have compiled a list of a few important tips that may help you when making it.
Let’s look at them one by one:
Organize Your Working Area
You do not need a lot of ingredients and utensils to make the crepe cake. You will however need a clear working station to place the crepes carefully once they are done. You will be making quite a lot of crepes so be sure to clear out a large area for the purpose. The first part of the cake is to make the crepes. For this, you need a pan. Although you may not necessarily need a pancake pan, you must have a non-stick pan. Another essential for crepe making is a spoon or ladle through which you can pour equal measured spoons of batter into the pan. This will help ensure that all the crepes are more or less of the same width and thickness. The third essential ingredient is a flipping spatula which will help you in flipping the crepes efficiently.
Prepare in Advance
Be sure to prepare in advance for making the crepes. It is important that the batter is cool at the time of making the crepes. If you allow enough resting time to the batter, the flour will absorb the liquid ingredients of the batter and the crepes will turn out very soft. Alternatively, if you do not allow enough resting time, the crepes might turn out a little hard. Therefore be sure to prepare the batter in advance and give it a resting time in the fridge for a minimum of two hours, preferably overnight.
Do a Few Test Runs
It is normal if the first few crepes do not turn out the way you want them and this is why we recommend doing a few test runs first. This will help you in determining if it needs any adjustment. It will also help you in perfecting the flipping of the crepes as well as get the temperature right.
While attempting the flipping, wait till the batter on the pan is looking drier in the centre. The best way is to run the spatula under the outer edges of the crepes when they have started to crisp a little on the outside. Once you have ensured that the batter is leaving the pan base easily, do a complete flip.
Manage the Temperature While Making the Crepes
Managing the temperature is one of the most important points to consider when making the crepes. If you make the crepes on very high heat or a very low heat the end result will be tough and chewy crepes. Susan Khoo, an expert in research “cara mengatasi sembelit” says that keeping the temperature medium so that the end result is airy and light. Also, you may have to adjust the cooking time as you continue to make crepes. This is because as the prepared crepes begin to pile up, the pan may become heated up. So you will need to adjust the heat as well as the cooking time.
Give the Crepes Time to Cool
Do not stack up the crepes right after making them. Get a cooling rack and place them on it to allow enough time for cooling. If you put them on each other immediately after cooking, they will become soggy and lose their fluffiness. You can prepare your cream filing in the meanwhile and get it chilled.
Divide the Process
If it is your first time making the cake, you may it tedious. To save yourself from the hassle you can break down the process. What you can do is prepare the crepes in advance and store them in plastic wrap so that the consistency is not compromised. On the day you have to serve the cake, you can stack the layers and assemble the cake.
Crepes Aren’t Round? No Problem
If it is your first time and the crepes have not turned out to be perfect rounds, there is no need to be flustered. You can just take something of a round shape like a plate, put it on the crepes and trim the edges. There you go, perfectly round crepes and a perfectly round cake.