6 Items To Never Eat With Curd

Are you aware of the things that should not be eaten with curd?​

Ayurveda and numerous other dietary traditions advise against combining certain foods with curd. The following six food categories are usually advised to be avoided or eaten without curd:

1. Never eat curd with sour fruits​

Ideally, curd should not be mixed with fruit, particularly acidic fruits like pineapple and kiwi or citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. This advice is based on the fact that fruits and curd both aid in digestion. In nature, curd is said to be heavy and sour, whereas fruits are usually sweet or acidic.

In terms of taste and digestion, curd and fruits are antagonistic. Combining them may cause digestive problems like gas, indigestion, and bloating by upsetting the digestive fire (agni). Fruits and curd can be difficult to digest together, especially if they are eaten in excessive amounts. It can be difficult to digest food efficiently when different digestive enzymes are needed for different foods. For example, fruits require amylase for carbs, whereas curd requires proteases for proteins.

2. Stay away from curd and grain

It is generally not recommended to combine curd with cereal grains, especially refined grains like white rice or bread. This is due to the high protein content of curd, which may make it more difficult for grains’ carbs to be absorbed.

According to Ayurveda, the opposing qualities of curd and grains might lead to an imbalance in digestion. Grain tends to be heavy and heating in nature, whereas curd is cooling and heavy. Digestive discomfort and slow digestion may result from this mismatch. Grain and curd can be a hefty combo nutritionally, which may cause bloating or discomfort in certain people. While some people may not have problems with digestion after consuming this combo, Ayurveda advises against it for individuals who are sensitive to their digestion.

3. Stop eating curd with spicy or hot foods

It’s not a good idea to eat curd with extremely hot or spicy foods, like chili peppers or highly seasoned recipes. Foods high in spice can make you feel hotter, but curd cools you down. Digestionary processes may be hampered by this sharp difference in temperature and characteristics.

The harmony of food’s heating and cooling qualities is emphasized by Ayurveda. Due to the opposing qualities of these foods, combining curd with overly hot or spicy dishes may cause digestive discomfort or even put out the digestive fire (agni). Foods high in spice can raise stomach acidity and activate gastric secretions; however, curd’s cooling properties may offset some of these effects. However, combining curd with really spicy dishes can aggravate symptoms for people who are prone to acidity or sensitive digestion.

4. Pickle with curd is an unfavorable pairing

Since curd is a fermented dish in and of itself, it is generally not recommended to combine it with other fermented meals like pickles, fermented vegetables, or sourdough bread. Curd and other fermented foods contain live cultures that may be too much for the digestive tract to handle.

Combining two fermented foods at once is discouraged by Ayurveda since it might cause digestive issues and an imbalance in the gut flora. It may also have an impact on how well certain meals absorb nutrients. From a contemporary nutritional perspective, eating several fermented items at once can introduce a high concentration of probiotics and possibly upset the delicate balance of gut bacteria in those who are susceptible. It is usually advised to spread out the consumption of fermented foods during the course of the day.

​5. It is not advised to eat fish and curd together

Some nutritional traditions, especially Ayurveda, advise against eating curd with fish or seafood. Since curd is likewise cooling and heavy, eating fish together can throw the digestive system out of balance. Fish is also said to be heavy to digest.

According to Ayurveda, food is categorized according to its qualities (guna) and physiological consequences. Combining fish and curd can cause upset stomach because they are both hefty and have distinct characteristics. Nutritionally speaking, not everyone may experience stomach problems when eating curd with fish. However, because these foods are heavy, people who have sensitive digestion or are prone to digestive disorders may find them uncomfortable.

6. Avoid eating curd with eggs

Generally speaking, it is not advised to combine curd and eggs in prepared meals or as a part of a meal. Both dishes are high in protein and might be difficult to digest, particularly when eaten at the same time.

Combining two large, high-protein meals can overburden the digestive system, causing slow digestion or discomfort. This is why Ayurveda cautions against doing so. Meals high in protein can be good, but eggs and curd can be difficult for some people to digest, which could lead to bloating or discomfort. Protein should be consumed in moderation during meals in order to provide the best possible digestion.

Decoding nutrient content of curd

Yogurt, sometimes referred to as curd, is a food high in vital nutrients that are good for your general health. It is an excellent source of vitamin B12, calcium, phosphorus, and protein. Curd’s protein helps maintain and repair muscles, while its calcium and phosphorus build stronger bones and teeth. The neurological system and energy production are aided by vitamin B12. Probiotics are good bacteria found in curd that aid with digestion and gut health. With elements that support both physical health and well-being, it can be a helpful supplement to a balanced diet and is comparatively low in calories.

Why is curd healthy?

Yogurt, also referred to as curd, is regarded as healthful for a number of reasons. It has a high content of probiotics, which support gut health by preserving a healthy balance of intestinal flora. These probiotics can strengthen the immune system and improve digestion. Additionally, curd is a wonderful source of calcium, which is necessary for healthy bones and muscles. It offers protein, which is necessary for cell development and repair. Its nutrients are readily absorbed and have the potential to improve general health. Curd is a beneficial complement to a balanced diet because regular consumption has been linked to several health benefits, such as stronger immune, better digestion, and better nutrient absorption.

Sanchita Patil: