6 High-Calcium Vegan Foods to Maintain Strong, Healthy Bones

Bone health is crucial to your everyday existence because bones provide your body structure, safeguard important organs, and allow mobility. A healthy diet rich in calcium is essential for strong and dense bones. Finding substitutes for dairy, a major source of calcium, is crucial as more and more individuals switch to vegan diets and lose weight.

These 6 vegan dishes are high in calcium and good for your bones:

1. Leafy greens:

Calcium is abundant in leafy greens, such as bok choy, collard greens, and kale. About 94 mg of calcium are found in one cup of cooked kale, compared to 266 mg in a cup of collard greens. These greens are also a great source of other nutrients, such as vitamin K, which helps to balance calcium in the body and is therefore important for bone health.

2. Plant milks that have been fortified:

Calcium is added to a variety of plant-based milks, including oat, soy, and almond milk, to make them dairy-free. Approximately 450 mg of calcium, or the same amount as in a cup of cow’s milk, can be found in a cup of fortified almond milk. When you follow a vegan diet, these fortified milks help make sure you get adequate calcium.

3. Tofu:

Soybean-based tofu is an additional excellent source of calcium. Depending on how it’s prepared, half a cup of firm tofu may provide up to 253 mg of calcium. Because of its adaptability and ability to be used in a variety of recipes, tofu is a simple and effective way to increase calcium consumption and promote bone health.

4. Chia seeds:

Chia seeds are an excellent source of calcium. The amount of calcium in just two tablespoons of chia seeds is around 179 mg. These small seeds also include a lot of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which improve your health and maintain bone density.

5. Almonds:

A tasty and wholesome source of calcium are almonds. Approximately 94 mg of calcium can be found in a quarter-cup serving of almonds. They also include magnesium, protein, and good fats—all of which are necessary for strong bones.

6. Figs:

In addition to being a delicious treat, dried figs are a wonderful source of calcium. One dried fig yields around 135 milligrams of calcium. Additionally, they include a lot of fiber and antioxidants, which support strong bones and improve general health.

Sanchita Patil: